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2126 S.
Miramonte Strav. PH (520) 881-6662 Shipping and Conditions of Sale $75 min order
for shipping fish, no minimum on dry goods How to order:
Please email cichlidlovers@msn.com or call 520-881-6662 to double check
availability and place your order. We have no shopping cart. If you are paying
by credit card please call with your number, do not email the card number, you
may also contact me on Facebook messenger: https://www.facebook.com/alan.bliven Shipping Fish: We prefer to ship out of state orders air cargo. With air cargo you pick the fish up at the air cargo office at the closest major airport. The air cargo offices are not at the main terminal but close to the airport, making it easy and fast to pick them up. This is the fastest and safest method of shipping! It's same day shipping. A 55.00 flat rate shipping charge applies to all US air cargo orders using South West Airlines; Delta and American charges are 65.00. Live arrival guaranteed on all air cargo shipments.
If you are too far from the airport we can ship smaller orders FedEx overnight.
60.00 - 80.00 is the usual rate
for very small orders, larger orders
are dependant on the actual weight. Live arrival guaranteed but I will not ship small Calvus types
and other small Lamps, Cyps, Sand Dwellers, Featherfins etc
any way but Air Cargo. Larger fish, and Fronts, Tropheus, Cats, Eels etc are
ok, but Air Cargo is still preferable if at all possible.
Live arrival is guaranteed
only if shipped with our choice of carrier and routes and the
carrier is not at fault. If the carrier is at
fault, than a claim must be filed with the carrier and it's between you and the
carrier. We will assist you in everyway possible to get the claim through with
the carrier. We must be notified immediately of any losses by either email or phone. Losses will only be credited to
the next order. No refunds of any kind are given, only credit on the next order. Our responsibility
ends for replacements once the buyer leaves the airport with living fish. We
cannot be responsible for what happens with the fish once he places them in his
tank. Of course we will be on call to assist with any problems that may develop.
We do not guarantee live arrival on any replacement fish, nor do we assist with the
shipping charges on replacement fish. Also if you have a health question about
your newly arrived fish, please contact us before medicating or treating them to
avoid improper treatments.
All DOA credit must be used within one year of the claim.
days will set up that is convenient for both of us. We prefer to ship
earlier in the week but weekend shipments can be arranged for air cargo
only. All FedEx shipments must be
sent early in the week. No refunds are given for any
reason, only credit on your next order.
That includes losses and all other complaints even
errors on our part. Sexing of fish: No guarantees on
any of the sexes of the fish sold, even those with the sexes marked, but I'll
try my best to get the correct sex when the sex is marked.
Heat packs are used in the winter.
No box charges.
All fish are sent in Styrofoam boxes and packed with oxygen. We have been
shipping fish for 30 years and it it quite professionally.
Dry goods
may be shipped with fish orders or sent separate via ground. No minimum order
with dry goods. Make payable to: Cichlid
Lovers. Include your name, address, and phone number and items
ordered with payment. Dry goods are shipped Post Office
or FedEx ground
prepaid freight, or with
fish orders. Please include your city and zip code when contacting us for
shipping estimates.
Local Pick up:
appointment is necessary for local pickup, please call just before you come by.
We are not a typical pet store and are not set up for people to drop by unannounced.
We are closed on Sunday.
Your Fish Order:
Do Not Trickle Water Into The Bag!
This will change the pH and cause the nitrate and/or ammonia levels to
rise and become toxic to the fish, possibly poisoning them right in the bag!
Float bags until temperature
is equal in the bag and the tank. Open the bag and pour fish
through a net and then place them in the clean tank. Do not put the packing
water into the clean tank, discard the packing water.
Shipped fish are stressed and
weak, do not put into an established tank with large and aggressive
tank mates.