Lake Salt is a chemically sound blend of inorganic salts designed to
simulate the natural waters of the rift lakes. It contains all essential
elements such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, sulfate, chloride, including
trace elements such as iron, manganese, iodide. It does not include unnecessary
or harmful constituents such as nitrates, phosphates, cadmium, lithium, arsenic.
Specific dosing is suggested for lakes Tanganyika, Malawi, and Victoria. South
and Central American Cichlids from alkaline waters will also benefit from the
use of this salt. The salt should be used with Tanganyika Buffer
or Malawi/Victoria Buffer. Each pound treats 540 Tanganyika
gallons, 1080 Malawi gallons, or 1620 Victoria gallons.
Use when setting up an aquarium and when making water changes. To add salt to an
established tank, do so when making water changes, basing dose on water being
changed, not the aquarium volume. It is best to predissolve the salt in
freshwater before use. Avoid using salt when simply replacing evaporated water.
Use 11 grams (1.5 teaspoons) for each 10 gallons of freshwater to duplicate
Tanganyika conditions. Use 5.5 g (3/4 teaspoons) for each 10 gallons for
Malawi conditions. Use 3.6 grams (1/2 teaspoons) for Victoria conditions.
Conditions for Central and South American cichlids vary widely, but the Malawi
or Victoria dose will benefit most of these cichlids. Seachem’s Tanganyika
Buffer™ (pH 9.0–9.4) and Malawi/Victoria Buffer™ (pH 7.8–8.4) should be
used to adjust carbonate hardness and pH. This salt is compatible with
Seachem’s Neutral Regulator™ and it may be used to achieve lower pH for some
American cichlids.